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Department of Molecular Life Sciences Deplazes Zemp group


BIO 124 Einführung in die Ethik und Theorie der Biologie
Lecture Bachelor level (spring semester, Tue 10:00 – 12:00) in German
After a general introduction to ethics and philosophy of biology, researchers from different disciplines present ethical, philosophical, and social perspectives on topics at the interface between biology and ethics/philosophy. Such topics include medical ethics, neuroethics, animal ethics, environmental ethics, agricultural biotechnology, genetic determinism, evolution and creationism and others.

BIO 402 Philosophy of Science with a Focus on Biology
Lecture Bachelor/Master/PhD level (spring semester: Mo 14:00 – 16:00) in English
This lecture combines an introduction to the philosophy and history of science (Vienna Circle, Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos etc.) with a philosophical perspective on the characteristics of biology as a discipline. We discuss, for instance, the differences between biology and the paradigm science of ‘physics’. We also address the questions of what counts as knowledge and evidence in biology and how biological explanations and models work. The lecture also presents different views on the relationship between science and technology, with a focus on biotechnologies.
The lecture is complemented by a number of assignments to enhance the understanding of and engagement with the topics.

EEE 266 Ethik und Umwelt 
Lecture Bachelor/Master/PhD level (autumn semester, Fr 12:00 – 14:00) in German
This is an introductory lecture to environmental ethics. It addresses various ethical issues in the interaction between people and (the rest) of nature. We discuss topics such as fair distribution of natural resources, environmental justice, sustainability, inter-generation justice, climate ethics, biodiversity conservation, animal ethics, biocentric and holistic ethical positions, environmental values, environmental virtues, ecofeminism and others. 
The lecture is complemented by a number of assignments to enhance the understanding of and engagement with the topics.

BIO 630 Ethics in scientific practice
Lecture Master/PhD level (spring semester, Mo 17:00 – 19:00) in English
This research ethics course addresses various social and ethical implications of biomedical research. It introduces the responsibilities of researchers towards human and animal subjects and discusses various topics, guidelines and case studies related to good scientific practice. The course combines lectures with practical in-class exercises, case studies and group discussions.

BIO 398 Readings in ethics and philosophy of biology
Literature Seminar Bachelor/Master/PhD level (new: autumn semester, Mo 10:00 – 14:00)
This literature seminar is dedicated to a different topic every year, in the past, we discussed ethical and philosophical questions on: 
•    Social responsibility of scientists (2018)
•    Why protect nature? (2019)
•    Biotechnology for the future (2020)
•    Better safe than sorry – the precautionary principle (2021)
•    Genetic (dis)enhancement of animals (2022)
•    Behavioral genetics (K.P. Harden’s book: the genetic lottery) (2023)
•    Ethics of animal experimentation (2024)
Students read and prepare a paper or chapter each week, which is then being discussed in class.

BIO 399 Block course on ethical issues in biological research
Block course (autumn semester) in English
In this block course, students work on group projects related to the annual focus topic of the course, for instance:
•    Justice in pharmaceutical research (2023)
•    Ethics of rare disease (2024)
•    Values in nature (2025)
The project-work alternates with introductory lectures on ethical background topics (e.g. theories of justice, responsibility, interaction between science and society, etc.), paper discussions and input talks from experts from theory and practice in the respective field. 

BIO 662: Ethical issues raised by Research in Human Genetics and Genomics 
Two-day course PhD-level, spring semester, in English
This two-day course starts with a general introduction to ethical theories, which will be applied to various ethical issues related to research in human genetics and genomics. We discuss topics such as historical eugenics, genetic testing, germline gene therapy, human enhancement, do-it-yourself biology etc. The course includes reflection on the current scientific system and discussion of good scientific practice in different contexts.
The course alternates lectures with paper discussions, case studies and exercises.

BIO 663: The impact of ethics on doing science and vice versa
Two-day course PhD-level, autumn semester, in English
Together with George Hausmann
The first part of the course focuses on the expectations, visions and concerns associated with the social and ethical implications of molecular biology in medicine and other fields. 
The second day of the course is taught by George Hausman, who presents and discusses ethical issues that arise in lab work (e.g. concerning good scientific practice) from a scientist’s perspective.
The course alternates lectures with paper discussions, case studies and exercises. 

Anna Deplazes Zemp also supervises Bachelor theses (students in Philosophy and in Biodiversity) and Master theses (students in Biology, Biodiversity), for instance, in environmental ethics, biomedical ethics, animal ethics, science & society, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology etc. Thesis topics will be developed on an individual basis, interested students should get in touch with Anna. 

Courses of the current semester

V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 17.02.2025
to 26.05.2025
Mo 17:00-19:00 Anna Deplazes Zemp Y23-G-04
from 18.02.2025
to 27.05.2025
Di 10:15-12:00 Marcus Clauss Michael Coors Anna Deplazes Zemp Christian Raffael Ineichen Beat Keller Hans-Konrad Schmutz Carolus Ph. van Schaik Y24-G-45
from 17.02.2025
to 26.05.2025
Mo 14:00-16:00 Anna Deplazes Zemp Y27-H-35/36
from 24.01.2025
to 31.01.2025
24.1., 31.1., jeweils 09:00-17:00 Anna Deplazes Zemp Y55-L-06/08
from 21.02.2025
to 30.05.2025
gemäss Ankündigung oder indiv. Vereinbarung Anna Deplazes Zemp siehe Details