- Statistics for Life Scientists. Basel, Switzerland, December 11th-14th
- Data Carpentry Genomics Workshop. Lugano, Switzerland, November 8th
- Data Carpentry Ecology Workshop. Lugano, Switzerland, November 6th
- de.NBI Summer School: Computational Genomics and RNA biology. Berlin, Germany, September 25th-29th
- Statistical data analysis for genome scale biology (CSAMA 2017). Brixen, Italy, July 8th-13th
- Advanced RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data analysis. Hinxton, UK, April 24th-27th
- Statistics for Life Scientists. Basel, Switzerland, October 17th-20th
- Method course - Analysis of NextGen RNA-seq data for expression profiling and protein-binding RNAs. Regensburg, Germany, October 10th-14th
- Computational Genomics: A hands-on course on data analysis. Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, September 12th-23rd
- Analysis of high-throughput sequencing data. Cambridge, UK, September 5th-10th
- Data Carpentry: Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization in R (July 2016). University of Zurich, Switzerland, July 18th-19th
- Statistics and computing in genome data science (CSAMA 2016). Brixen, Italy, July 10th-15th
- Data Carpentry: Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization in R (May 2016). University of Zurich, Switzerland, May 30th-31st
Other teaching activities are listed in members’ personal webpage or cv.