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Department of Molecular Life Sciences Neuhauss group

Hosted labs


Electrophysiology Facility e-Phac

The facility is integrated into our laboratory space in Y13K52, Y13K77 and officespace Y13K50.

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It all started with a meeting of Professors Johannes Loffing (Institute of Anatomy), Felix Beuschlein (Clinic of Endocrinology), and Stephan Neuhauss (Department of Molecular Life Scienes) about some years ago.

Now the facility, with the charming acronym e-Phac,  is headed by Dr. David Penton Ribas.

Laura Köcher

Laura Köcher, a PhD Stuendent from the USZ, is partly using our fish-facility and is doing fishwork in our lab.

Sissy Bassani, a postdoc Student from Medgen UZH,  is partly working in our fish-facility and using our labspace.