Kaiser, U; Uebelacker, I; Abel, U; Birkmann, J; Trümper, L; Schmalenberg, H; Karakas, T; Metzner, B; Hossfeld, D K; Bischoff, H G; Franke, A; Reiser, M; Müller, P; Mantovani, L; Grundeis, M; Rothmann, F; von Seydewitz, C U; Mesters, R M; Steinhauer, E U; Krahl, D; Schumacher, K; Kneba, M; Baudis, Michael; Schmitz, N; Pfab, R; Köppler, H; Parwaresch, R; Pfreundschuh, M; Havemann, K (2002). Randomized study to evaluate the use of high-dose therapy as part of primary treatment for "aggressive" lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 20(22):4413-4419.